Joe Rogan Experience Podcast

My Favorite Podcast: The Joe Rogan Experience

As technology progresses, instant gratification becomes more and more prevalent in our everyday lives. We are continuously conditioned to expect results to occur faster with defeat around the corner if we don’t get what we wanted. We as humans can’t really fault ourselves, we are creatures of pleasure and habit. Once we get pleasure and are gratified quickly, we end up making a habit of it. This habit sticks to us and once it matures getting rid of it from our mind is an arduous process. I think in a world filled with instant messaging, notifications, and white noise we have lost our human touch with delayed gratification. We have forgotten all the fulfillment we get from storytelling, reading, listening, and all things long-form. Enter the humble podcast.

The Podcast Remedy

I think the best podcast that fulfills this desire, and by far my favorite, is the Joe Rogan Experience Podcast. If you’re new to the world of podcasts, sitting through four hour long episodes might sound intimidating, but these hours melt away once you are absorbed into the content. Mr. Rogan brings on a variety of guests on the show so you will always be able to find an episode you enjoy. And with over 1200 episodes, you will not run out of content any time soon. I listen to JRE while driving, exercising, and working without it taking away from the task at hand. This podcast is a great way to learn new material while also filling up the unnecessarily silent moments of your day. Happy listening!

I will continuously upload what I read or listen to on the “Recommendations” section of the blog.

-E J